America's Got Talent Wiki

The ninth episode of Season 3, and the thirty-sixth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on August 7, 2008. It was a Vegas Round episode that took place in Las Vegas. 40 acts from this episode proceeded to the Quarterfinals, and 20 acts were eliminated.

Moved On[]

JosephhallJoseph Hall BryancheathamBryan Cheatham Nuttin'butstringzNuttin' But Stringz GeorgethegiantGeorge the Giant
Russianbartrio3*Russian Bar Trio ThejamesgangThe James Gang DoraesaundersDorae Saunders ThetaublfamilyThe Taubl Family
MatthewpiazziMatthew Piazzi ThewrightkidsThe Wright Kids Elimattson    Eli Mattson RonnybRonny B
IndiggoIndiggo PaulsalosPaul Salos KaitlynmaherKaitlyn Maher DanieljensDaniel Jens
ShimshiShimshi FlambeauxFlambeaux EliteElite ShequidahallShequida Hall
ThecadenceThe Cadence SarahlenoreSarah Lenore BruceblockBruce Block JonathanaronsJonathan Arons
QueenemilyQueen Emily JonathanburkinJonathan Burkin JessicapriceJessica Price DerrickbarryDerrick Barry
Zooperstars!ZOOperstars! SlipperykittensSlippery Kittens ExtremedancefxExtreme Dance FX DallasdesperadosdancersDallas Desperados
SickstepSickStep ThetappingdadsThe Tapping Dads TexasstatestruttersTexas State Strutters DccowboysDC Cowboys
BeyondbeliefdancecompanyBeyond Belief Dance Michaelstrelo-smithMichael Strelo-Smith Neale.boydNeal E. Boyd KazualKazual


KylerifkinKyle Rifkin Danmeyer3Dan Meyer ThesouthernbellesThe Southern Belles 309malesingerSteve "The Voice" Warren
HollystoneHolly Stone MisspussykattMiss Pussykatt DavidmilitelloDavid Militello Juniorandemily3Junior and Emily
Lilcountrieandpage1ne   Lil Countrie and Page 1ne XclusiveXclusive DonaldbraswelliiDonald Braswell II SterlingsilverSterling Silver
308kidsingerRachel Dupard ThependragonsThe Pendragons 6 More

Wild Card[]

After a serious injury, the Russian Bar Trio was forced to withdraw from the Quarterfinals. To fill the vacancy, the judges picked eight acts as Wild Card acts eligible for the Wild Card spot. Voting was opened to America, and the winner would be revealed in an upcoming episode.

DonaldbraswelliiDonald Braswell II VictoriajacobyVictoria Jacoby Juniorandemily3Junior and Emily
Lilcountrieandpage1ne     Lil Countrie and Page 1ne Danmeyer3Dan Meyer MisspussykattMiss Pussykatt
Kylerifkin  Kyle Rifkin XclusiveXclusive
