America's Got Talent Wiki

I think the spelling "Popazova" is a misspell. ~Curious Poker Chip 4:02 p.m. August 10th, 2017 (Pacific)

I don't. As far as I know, Russian female last names that have a "ov" always end with "ova". Per Google, "EV and OV are possessive endings expressing belonging to a male, such as Ivanov, Matveyev -- Ivan's, Matvey's. There isn't a "son" part per se, but it's presumed. Girls would also have a feminine ending -- EVA, OVA, denoting the person's sex, read "daughter"."

JayDK103 (talk) 01:34, August 11, 2017 (UTC)

Oh... I did not know that. ~Curious Poker Chip 9:55 p.m. August 10th, 2017 (Pacific)
